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'Did You Know?' The AVATAR website has a new feature

Posted by Marie Cooke on 20 June 2017
'Did You Know?' The AVATAR website has a new feature

A Griffith University student group took on the challenge to work with us to create an interactive web-based application that would be useful and relevant to anyone interested in vascular access devices (VAD). This app called 'Did You Know?' formed part of the students' assessment and we are delighted with the results.

Check it out here!

'Did You Know?' includes three core features.

1.  Device Types

Here you can visualise the 5 common types of VAD, including peripheral intravenous catheter (PIVC), peripherally inserted central catheter (PICC), non-tunnelled central venous catheter (nt-CVC), tunnelled central venous catheter (t-CVC), and totally implanted venous port device.
Each yellow dot represents an anatomical location for VAD insertion. By clicking your mouse on each yellow dot on the 'Did you know?' page, you can learn about these different VADs. Information about each device includes: what it is, what it is used for, common complications and strategies to prevent complications. You can also view the information directly from the drop down boxes and the site of the device on the human torso will change from yellow to red as you read each option.

2. Top Tips

Here you'll find 5 short videos about recent evidence to support VAD care. Videos include summaries of three Cochrane systematic reviews (1. Vapo-coolant spray for PIVC insertion; 2. Chlorhexidine disc/dressing for nt-CVC; 3. Clinical indication for the PIVC removal). Also included is (4) 2% chlorhexidine in alcohol for prepping the skin for central, dialysis and arterial catheter insertion, and (5) 12 drops of tissue adhesive at PIVC insertion site, hub +/- wings with dressing.

3. Personal stories

This tab features personal stories that highlight important aspects about living with a long-term VAD for health-care treatment. Debbie and Karen share their personal experience and some important messages for health care professionals about the insertion and on-going VAD care from the patient perspective.

Author:Marie Cooke
Tags:AVATARcentral vascular access devicesdressingsintravenous catheterIV managementpatient experiencevascular access devices


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