Infection Prevention and Control


Photo Credit: Karen Slater





When it comes to vascular access, infection prevention and control measures are the key to preventing serious complications such as local infection or systemic bloodstream infection.

Vascular access devices lead directly into the patient's bloodstream, so it's essential that clinicians and patients realise how risky they can be.

At AVATAR, we take a holistic approach to vascular access device infection prevention and control.

Our researchers rigorously investigate device types, vessel assessment and insertion techniques, skin decontamination, needleless connector decontamination, microbial colonisation of skin and devices, device dressings and securements. And our clinical experts provide skills training and clinical guidance to ensure clinicians understand the principles and application of infection prevention.

From paediatrics to adults, and acute care to home care, if a patient needs vascular access, they deserve evidence-based management to prevent infection. Together, we will make vascular access complications history.



Infection Prevention Contact:

Prof. (Dr) Claire Rickard (RN PhD FAAN FACN FAHMS)
Professor Claire Rickard is a PhD qualified (2004, QUT) Registered Nurse with a focus on hospital care, specialising in vascular access. Her clinical background is medical, surgical and intensive care nursing. She is listed in the Sigma Theta Tau International Nurse Researcher Hall of Fame and elected a Fellow of the American Academy of Nursing, the Australian College of Nursing, and the Australian Academy of Health & Medical Sciences.

If you have any questions regarding AVATAR's infection prevention and control research, contact Claire at




Griffith University
Australia 4111