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Home Parenteral Nutrition: New Guideline Released!

Posted by Gillian Ray-Barruel on 7 March 2023
Home Parenteral Nutrition: New Guideline Released!

ESPEN, the European Society for Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism, has released new guidelines for Home Parenteral Nutrition (HPN).

The guidelines are freely available by following the link below.


This guideline will inform physicians, nurses, dieticians, pharmacists, caregivers and other home parenteral nutrition (HPN) providers, as well as healthcare administrators and policy makers, about appropriate and safe HPN provision. This guideline will also inform patients requiring HPN.

The guideline is based on previous published guidelines and provides an update of current evidence and expert opinion; it consists of 71 recommendations that address the indications for HPN, central venous access device (CVAD) and infusion pump, infusion catheter and CVAD site care, nutritional admixtures, program monitoring and management. Meta-analyses, systematic reviews and single clinical trials based on clinical questions were searched according to the PICO format. The evidence was evaluated and used to develop clinical recommendations implementing Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network methodology.

The guideline was commissioned and financially supported by ESPEN and members of the guideline group were selected by ESPEN.


Pironi L, Boeykens K, Bozzetti F, Joly F, Klek S, Lal S, et al. ESPEN practical guideline: Home parenteral nutrition. Clin Nutr. 2023;42(3):411-30. doi: 10.1016/j.clnu.2022.12.003

Author:Gillian Ray-Barruel
About: Gillian Ray-Barruel, RN PhD, is a Senior Research Fellow with The University of Queensland School of Nursing, Midwifery and Social Work, and Herston Infectious Diseases Institute (HeIDI). She is also the Director of Education with the Alliance for Vascular Access Teaching and Research (AVATAR), based at Griffith University. Her research focuses on improving assessment and decision-making by nurses to prevent patient complications and improve patient safety and healthcare outcomes.
Tags:central vascular access devicesIV managementpatient safetyparenteral nutrition


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