Secure My Intravascular Line Effectively (The SMILE Trials)
Peripheral venous catheters are very common invasive devices used for the administration of intravenous fluids and medication. While similar in appearance, arterial catheters are used for the collection of arterial blood gases and monitoring arterial blood pressure.
After insertion, these devices are covered with a clear film or gauze dressing, intended to keep the insertion site clean and prevent dislodgement/accidental removal from the vein. The material type and design of these dressings varies greatly, and a poor dressing design is likely to have a negative impact on device failure rates.
Recently, new approaches to peripheral venous and arterial catheter dressing and securement have been proposed, including the use of cyanoacrylate skin glue at the insertion site (e.g. Histoacryl®) and sutureless securement devices (e.g. Grip-Lok®, Statlock®). One dressing that is yet to be tested in a high quality randomised controlled trial is the Sorbaview SHIELD®, a dressing integrating the function of a sutureless securement method within a bordered gauze dressing.
The SMILE randomised controlled trial pilot studies, currently recruiting, will: (1) establish the feasibility of conducting a large randomised controlled trial to conclusively test the effectiveness of next-generation dressing and securement methods against standard care (bordered or non-bordered transparent dressings); (2) assess the patient acceptability of these methods; and (3) explore adverse event profiles. They will be tested in a range of disciplines (Medical, Surgical, and Intensive Care) in three large tertiary Queensland hospitals (adult and paediatric).
The SMILE Trials have been funded, as an unrestricted research grant, by Centurion® Medical Products (the manufacturer of Sorbaview SHIELD®). Centurion is not involved in study design, data analysis, or writing publications.
This research is led by Chief Investigator Professor Claire Rickard (Principal Director, AVATAR Group).