Building stronger vascular access research collaborations with Japan

Posted on 28 May 2019
On Monday 20th May, several of the AVATAR team, including Prof Claire Rickard, Dr Gillian Ray-Barruel, Assoc Prof Amanda Ullman, Jessica Schults , and Dr Vineet Chopra (University of Michigan) met with Dr Hideto Yasuda from Kameda General Hospital, Chiba, and Keio University School of Medicine, Japan. Dr Yasuda is an emergency and critical care physician and researcher with a keen desire to improve the outcomes for patients with peripheral vascular access. Dr Yasuda was introduced to the ...
Posted in:AVATAR  

2019 Pettit Scholar Tricia Kleidon

Posted on 15 May 2019
  Congratulations to AVATAR's Pocket Rocket, Paediatric Vascular Access Nurse Practitioner, Tricia Kleidon, RN, BSC(NURSING), GRADCERT(PEDIATRICS), MNURSSCI(NURSEPRAC)!   This year the Association of Vascular Access and the Pediatric Special Interest Group recognizes Tricia Kleidon, RN, NursPrac, as the 2019 Dr. Janet Pettit Scholar. Ms. Kleidon is a Nurse Practitioner in Pediatric Vascular Assessment and Management at Queensland Children's Hospital in...
Posted in:AVATAR  

I-DECIDED® Assessment and Decision Tool

Posted by Gillian Ray-Barruel on 12 April 2019
Up to 70% of acute care hospital patients need a peripheral intravenous catheter (PIVC) for fluids or medicines.(1) Yet, up to 69% of PIVCs have painful complications or stop working before treatment is finished, requiring the insertion of a new device.(2) Device failure is painful for patients and time-consuming for staff, and can lead to increased morbidity, prolonged length of stay, and higher hospital costs.(2) Regular, systematic assessment could help with prevention and early detec...
Posted in:assessmentAVATARdressingsflushinginfection preventionintravenous catheterIV managementpatient experiencephlebitissecurementvascular access devices  

Vascular Access- Call for Papers

Posted by Gillian Ray-Barruel on 20 March 2019
Posted in:AVATARvascular access devices  

Expressions of Interest Editor in Chief - Vascular Access

Posted on 31 January 2019
Expressions of Interest
Editor in Chief Vascular Access
Commencing May 2019
Key Objectives:   Guide the overall strategic direction of Vascular Access, in consultation with the AVAS board and the publisher
  Maintain a high level of quality in the manuscript review and journal editing process
  Provide appropriate and timely communication to authors.
  Screen all manuscripts submitted for publication to en...
Posted in:central vascular access devicesdressingsflushinginfection preventionintravenous catheterIV managementpatient experiencephlebitissecurementvascular access devices  

Complication and Failures of Central Vascular Access Device in Adult Critical Care Settings

Posted by Mari Takashima, RN, BN, Grad Cert ICU, MEpi1 ; Jessica Schults, RN, GCert (Specialist Paed), MAppSci (Research)1–3; Gabor Mihala, MEng, GCert(Biostats)1,4,5; Amanda Corley, RN, BN, GradCertHSci, MAdvPrac (Research)1 ; Amanda Ullman, RN, MAppSci, PhD, Cent on 31 December 2018

Anti-thrombogenic peripherally inserted central catheters: Overview of efficacy and safety. Expert Rev Med Devices

Posted by Amanda J. Ullman, AndreW. C. Bulmer, Tim R. Dargaville, Claire M. Rickard & Vineet Chopra on 4 December 2018
ISSN: 1743-4440 (Print) 1745-2422 (Online) Journal homepage: To cite this article: Amanda J. Ullman, AndreW. C. Bulmer, Tim R. Dargaville, Claire M. Rickard
& Vineet Chopra (2018): Antithrombogenic peripherally inserted central catheters: overview of
efficacy and safety, Expert Review of Medical Devices, DOI: 10.1080/17434440.2019.1555466
To link to this article:   Accepted author version ...

PSIG Webinar

Posted on 6 November 2018
  Dear Vascular Access Clinicians

Please find attached an invitation to attend a webinar presented by Stephanie Pitts, Global Director of Clinical Marketing, Angiodynamics and Vascular Access Team Nurse, St. Joseph's Children's Hospital.  Stephanie has worked in vascular access for over 20 years, she is a dynamic and motivating speaker and advocate for reducing the number of vascular access devices and insertion attempts in our vulnerable paediatric patients.&nbs...
Posted in:AVATARcentral vascular access devicesintravenous catheterIV managementpatient experiencevascular access devices  

Mark your calendars! Vascular Access Editorial

Posted by Gillian Ray-Barruel on 30 October 2018
Mark your calendars! Welcome to the October issue of Vascular Access! As I write this, I'm getting ready to head off to the Association of Vascular Access Annual Scientific Meeting in Columbus Ohio to present the preliminary results of my postdoctoral research, an interrupted time-series evaluation of an IV assessment and decision tool called I-DECIDED. (More to come on that!) Read more:

Evaluation of Skin Colonisation And Placement of vascular access device Exit sites (ESCAPE Study)

Posted by Nancy L Moureau, Nicole Marsh, Li Zhang, Michelle J Bauer, Emily Larsen, Gabor Mihala, Amanda Corley, India Lye, Marie Cooke and Claire M. Rickard on 14 September 2018
Journal of Infection Prevention
© The Author(s) 2018
Article reuse guidelines:
DOI: 10.1177/1757177418805836 Abstract Background: Skin microorganisms may contribute to the development of vascular access device (VAD) infections.
Baseline skin microorganism type and quantity vary between body sites, yet there is little evidence to inform choice of
VAD site selection. Objective: To compare microorganisms prese...


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