Posted in blood sampling
Taking Blood Samples from a PIVC: Yes or No?
Posted by Dr Linda Coventry
on 21 March 2023
We are often asked if it's okay to take blood samples from a peripheral intravenous catheter (aka PIVC, cannula). In Australia, each state has a different policy, however, most allow blood draws on insertion of the cannula.
The Infusion Nurses Society Standards of Practice 8th edition (2021, page S129) has the following recommendations, based on evidence:
"Risks associated with sampling from a PIVC include hemolysis of the sample, contamination of the sample from infusing...
Posted in:peripheral intravenous catheterevidence-based practiceblood sampling |
Can I draw blood from a PIVC?
Posted by Lizzy Ostwald
on 7 July 2021
Drawing blood from a cannula is a routine practice in some clinical environments. But is this best practice or will the blood become too haemolysed to provide accurate results?
Drawing blood from a peripheral intravenous catheter/cannula (PIVC) is a routine practice in clinical environments such as the emergency department, rationalised as one less invasive test that a patient is subjected to. A PIVC should never be inserted just to draw blood or 'just in case' it's needed late...
Posted in:peripheral intravenous catheterblood samplingvenepuncture |