Posted in catheter-associated bloodstream infection
Essentials of Needleless Connector Care
Posted by Lizzy Ostwald and Gillian Ray-Barruel
on 23 September 2021
Introduced in the 1990s, needleless connectors have become an essential component of 21st century medical care, as they have removed the inherent needle stick injury risk associated with older needle-based connectors.1 Used on both central and peripheral vascular access devices, they allow for the safer administration of medication, fluid and blood.2
However, needleless connectors carry a significantly increased risk of bloodstream infection. If the injection site has not been properly ...
Posted in:infection preventionneedleless connectorcatheter-associated bloodstream infection |
Central line bloodstream infections: CLABSI or CRBSI?
Posted by Lizzy Ostwald
on 21 September 2021
Central venous access devices (CVADs) are an essential component of contemporary medical care, allowing for incompatible medications to be administered simultaneously and reduce the need for peripheral vascular access, particularly for critically ill or oncology patients.1
However, CVADs can entail significant risk. Bloodstream infection is the most detrimental consequence of inadequate CVAD management, presenting a significant burden to the patient, staff and economy of a hospital, especial...
Posted in:central vascular access devicescatheter-associated bloodstream infection |